At dusk yesterday, a movement outside caught my eye. From my desk in the loft, I could just see a wooly brown leg. I flew downstairs,wondering how in the world an alpaca had gotten out, only to find three *ENORMOUS* bull elk grazing just off our front porch. The light was fading fast, and I was shooting through the front window, so the photo isn't great ~ there were two five-point guys, and one bigger six-point daddy. Gorgeous!
It finally snowed here this morning! To those of you who have been battling the white stuff for too long now, please excuse my glee, but I am rejoicing because everything looks so pretty, and the wood stove is merrily heating the house, AND I'm drinking hot chocolate as I write this!
The boys weren't as happy about the snow as they usually are, though ~ only George took a quick roll. Maybe it just needs to get deeper...
Ralphie did venture out, however, and looked as if he wanted to join the dogs in their roughhousing (they LOVE the snow).
My sweet husband took the day off as well, to work on a big box order. He said he needed to take a "break," so he made these wonderful water-bowl holders for the barn: Now the alpacas have a neat little bowl they won't turn over, and I don't have to deal with huge buckets of water...and ice!
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