Cerulean skies, crisp-white snow, mild-for-December-in-the-mountains temperatures ~ who could ask for more?

"We could," said the alpacas, who seemed to have trouble figuring out how to step over the snow that slid off the roof in today's sun (not the sharpest tools in that shed)!

"I could," said Hank, whose tootsies grew cold as he waited for me to take these pictures. All he wanted for Christmas was a clean man-cave (his trailer home) and some breakfast.
"We could," said the alpacas, who seemed to have trouble figuring out how to step over the snow that slid off the roof in today's sun (not the sharpest tools in that shed)!
"I could," said Hank, whose tootsies grew cold as he waited for me to take these pictures. All he wanted for Christmas was a clean man-cave (his trailer home) and some breakfast.
"I could," said Rodeo, who wanted to jazz up the day with a little walk and roll.
Gib and I indulged Rodeo with a hike around nearby Pinewood Reservoir, and found lots more than we asked for, which was simply some time together, and a little exercise. We found...
...cool bird-wing tracks,
... and gorgeous vistas.
Rodeo found something, too, but we're not sure just what it was.
Before (left) and after (right). Not too exciting, Rodeo.
As the sun set on a perfect day, we said again, "Who could ask for more?"
Certainly not us. Merry Christmas, everyone!
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